

Logotipo de RedInncol
Icono Apprendo Digital RedInncol

Apprendo Digital

Project objective

With the APPrende Digital project we seek to support and strengthen the learning processes of students in the area of mathematics and English through free learning platforms such as Khan Academy and Duolingo.

Tres estudiantes de RedInncol sentados en una banca mostrando sus diplomas y sus tabletas digitales

What have we achieved?

Icono Enseñanza RedInncol
Promote the project among parents through social networks and parents' groups from different schools.
Icono destino RedInncol

The participation and growth of several students who have been in the project for two years.

Fotografía de grupo completo y los alumnos están mostrando sus diplomas


Icono salón de clases RedInncol

Creamos salones virtuales con base en el currículo colombiano.

Icono mesa de trabajo RedInncol

We follow up your process, provide technical support and monitor your performance.

Icono graduación Redinncol

We incentivize your learning processes through certificates of participation.

Icono graduación Redinncol

Social media campaigns.

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